Julio Mesa is trained as an architect and currently works in the fields of architecture photography, art installations, scenography and architecture. Currently lives in Barcelona, Spain.

Julio Mesa (born in Caracas, 1991) discovered two of his biggest passions while being a student of Architecture at the Central University of Venezuela. Photography, and Mid Century Modern Architecture merged into graphical testimonies, best describes Julio’s body of work through his passage of various Venezuelan cities which include: Caracas, Maracaibo, Mérida, and Barquisimeto. His adventures continued crossing borders all the way to some of the most important European cities such as Florence, Milan, Rome, Barcelona, and Madrid. Once Julio sets his glance on an object, immediately a deep exercise begins to take place. The resulting compositions showcase a particular glance of one-point perspective, supported by a strong relationship between the object and its contextual counter parts.
Once Julio sets his glance on an object, immediately a deep exercise begins to take place. The resulting compositions showcase a particular glance of one-point perspective, supported by a strong relationship between the object and its contextual counter parts.
One of the most notable aspects of his work focuses on forcing changes in the scale in order to accent certain details such as material textures. This hyperfocus on materiality enables the viewer to appreciate the finer material grain that would normally be overlooked and lost in the memories of those who were inhabiting these places.
Julio’s first photographical works evoke the work of architectural photography masters. His next iterations focused primarily on experimenting with the ever changing play of light and shadow on the objects through time. His most recent work achieves a more authentic touch by portraying the human interactions within the object, adding more layers to an already dynamic composition. Since 2012 Julio’s has continuously given a voice to objects others would deem seemingly mundane.
Original spanish text by Viviana Mujica Translated by Marianella Pereira-Suárez
“La Ciudad Universitaria de Caracas” Miguel Braceli (2020)
“LAONG Artistas Nacionales” Organizacion Nelson Garrido (2020)
“Atlas interactivo latinoamerica” Form + Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (2019)
“Carlos Raul Villanueva y la Sintesis de las Artes” Maria Fernando Jaua (2019)
“On the road city Barcelona” Forma Edizioni (2019)
“Click 2” Form + Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (2018)
“Fade Modernity” Patrimonio & memoria (2018)
“Caracas Architectural Guide” Dom Publishers (2017)
“A Shining Constant in the Artistic Sky” Luciano Benetton Collection (2016)